Monday, November 10, 2008

Making progress at thelibrary

In anticipation of the holidays, the meeting room is once again available for groups to reserve. The kitchen is back in usable condition; there is still no floor covering on the floor, though. We are hopeful that the engineers have come up with a solution for the drainage problems. Perhaps by the end of the year that work can be completed. We are very excited that Lowe's Home Improvement stores are helping us out with the materials that we need to get the library put back together! Please let the folks at Lowe's know how much we appreciate their help!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Dried out for now...

The library is dry, for now. Our meeting room has still been getting some water during the heavy rains that we've been having. We don't anticipate the repairs to the library to be started for another month or two. In the meantime, we will try to put things back in some sort of order. The library board is trying to find a solution so this situation does not happen again. We had a GREAT summer reading program last month, and the pizza party for the children completing their goals was a success! We hope to start a teen advocacy group for the library this fall, as well as get a WIKI started. This summer is flying by, and school will be starting again before we know it. We hope that everyone has been enjoying their summer reading.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Chaos at the library

Our regular patrons have noticed that we are undergoing a 'remodel', but not by choice. Like everyone else in the Cerro Gordo area, we had more than our share of water. We ended up with a couple of inches of standing water over 3/4 of the library. No books were damaged, but our drywall and insulation has been drying out and will need to be repaired. In the meantime, our public meeting room will not be available. Also, HopeWeltyLibrary has its very own iGoogle page and G-mail account. We would love to have you e-mail book reviews and comments to our G-mail account at